Monday, April 11, 2011

Packing it up...

Packing up our memories in little boxes and carrying them with us...that's what we are doing right now. I have lived in Russellville my whole life, and its quite hard to imagine myself not living here. Right now, it feels like I am packing for a vacation, although it will be a quite permanent one. Sifting and sorting through 35 years of and personal.....and deciding what to keep and what to give/throw away is a daunting task. There is a limited amount of space for all of our things, so what can we bear to leave behind...because it can't all go with us. Its been fun to relive the planning of certain sets (This was from Easter 2000!) and recount the buying of certain things (My first prop). The teddy bear that Jack was photographed by in his first picture when he was just 9 pounds has to go (no room!). All of those old things have to go to make room for new things. Such is life I things are exciting but letting go of old is bittersweet. The old things now live on in our memories and will be visited often, but we are SO excited about new adventures. So, for now, we are only packing the things in our boxes that are absolutely essential for our growth in the future. Now, which auction box is that teddy bear in? I might need it :)

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