Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Clean Slate

We knew that leaving everything behind that we had built in Russellville for 35 years and moving across the country would leave a "clean slate" in our lives...personal and professional. This clean slate is an opportunity and a challenge all at the same time. We have an opportunity to reshape our lives into the dream and the vision that we have had in our give time to the activities that we consider to be world changing. The quote "Be the change that you wish to see in the World" may actually have time now to come to fruition in our lives. Which is exciting! In comes the challenge...both of us LOVE so many things and have so many goals that we would like to accomplish, its hard to know: where to start, how much to work, how much time to devote to charity, how to know if you've done "enough" and where does a personal life come in? For me (Kristen) these questions give way to a lot of anxiety. I like to get a lot of things done, I hate to waste time and I hate to make mistakes. Maybe you can relate?

So for today, with a Shel Silverstein quote in mind, I have found a way to be at peace with the challenge that the "clean slate" dilemna produces.

There is a voice inside of you

that whispers all day long,

"I feel this is right for me,

I know that this is wrong."

No teacher, preacher, parent, friend

Or wise man can decide

What's right for you...just listen to

The voice that speaks inside.

--Shel Silverstein

And that just do something. No one is going to be able to tell me the next right step, I might not get everything accomplished today, I might not do everything right today, I may not be able to begin and finish a project today............. but doing something to move towards the direction of our goals, however tiny or big the something might be, is a move in the right direction. And it only takes ten or a hundred or a thousand somethings, to fulfill the accomplishment of a dream.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hello Childhood. Nice to see you again.

Two days before we moved to SC, with the house and studio were neatly packed up into the Uhaul, we stayed at my Mom's house for a couple of nights. As I was getting ready for bed, I brushed my teeth over the sink that I brushed my teeth over for ten years, put on my pajamas, coaxed Jack into bed, closed the door and hopped into bed. Right before I reached up to turn off the lamp, I noticed it. The bulletin board that hung on my wall for the last ten years...still holding all of my childhood memories. What a fun visit to the past. I thought I would share it with you.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


"Firsts" are so exciting because everything is new. We have wasted no time experiencing everything this new place has to offer...the following are some of our Columbia "firsts".

1. First time to buy wine in the grocery store right around the corner from our house and we didn't even have to drive to the next county to do so!

2. First people over for dinner...Lily and Allie. We had a cornacopia of carbs :)

3. First (and already second) mom and then Caitlin and Matt

4. First Columbian met...Mary (our very sweet next door neighbor)

5. First funny encounter with a Columbian...our next door neighbor who threatened to kill, eat and grill the Easter Bunny as a bad behavior deterrant for his grandchildren.

6. First time to have to pick up dog poop on a walk. Previously, I just made sure Jack had already done his business before we went on a walk.

7. First Columbian play...Jewtopia at the Trustus Theatre. They serve free popcorn! Who wouldn't like it?

8. First Shrimp and moms first and it was at The Blue Marlin. Tasty!

9. First Yogurt flavor eaten...Guacamole Tart. Deceptively good.

10. First Time to Realize that it takes FOREVER to get anywhere (especially if you don't know where you are going!)....Day One.

11. Our first Razorback Baseball game...this Saturday at USC! And we only had to move 800 miles away to do it!

12. First person that we took to the airport and we didn't have to drive and hour and a half to get mom.

13. First time at a Retirement Community Friends and Family Party...last night. There were a lot of 90 year olds dancing the shag to "Tie the Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree".

14. First Sunday Family it turns out, Sunday Family Dinner has sort of turned into a tradition already!

We are still experiencing "firsts" and plan to add many more firsts, second, thirds, fourths to our list. Stay tuned :)

AND if you are reading this and you are one of our dear friends and family...know that the FIRST minute we missed you occured the very second that we got on the interstate to head out of town. Come see us soon!